Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Cold Front / Stray Cat

Yesterday we were in the low 80's and today in the 70's so I took the opportunity to run errands because a cold front is on the way tomorrow. If that was not enough we have another front coming next week. I must say this is the first time in many years that we have had some semblance of winter.

I do not know what to do about the white girl cat that has decided to make mother's house her home.  She is a pest, following me around and getting in between my feet.  She appears to have had a family at one time and tries to come inside the house.

As I have mentioned on various occasions my mother lives in Val Verde County and they do not have an animal shelter, only the City of Del Rio does and they will not take county strays.  There are other non-profit animal shelters but again only take city strays, which in my opinion is wrong. They pissed me off when they would not help me when Tammie and Oscar had a run in with a porcupine.

This cat being a girl, it is only a matter of time before she gets pregnant and then I will have an even bigger problem on my hands.  I have enough problems of my own without inheriting additional ones.

Gasoline prices went down .10 cents in the last two days.  HEB has regular unleaded at $2.20 per gallon.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.


  1. Ah... the cat likes you! You've been adopted :-)
    Give it a name, get it's shots & let come purr in your lap as you're root for the Spurs!

    I saw $2.20 gas here in Yuma today.

    We went into Mexico today, Los Algodones for some dental stuff & prescription drugs. A big deal for us!

    1. I am a sucker for strays but I do not want anymore. It hurt to lose Ralph (last stray cat) as well as Pedrito, Tammie and Oscar (my stray dogs).

      Mother would never allow me to bring a cat inside her house nor would I want to.

      Glad you made it to Los Algodones, are you planning to write a post about it? Have heard nothing but good things about that border town in particular their dental and vision specialist.

  2. I lost track of Walter the horse?

    1. Walter is still around with his worthless owner. After the heavy rains of two years ago the weeds and mesquite trees grew so much that I can no longer safely walk to that part of mother's property and engage with him.

  3. UGH it isn't right that they won't take strays in the county. I remember the dogs what happened to them?

    We are into a cold front now and it has rained for 2 1/2 days so far. But we never complain about the rain. Our gas prices have gone up

    1. Last May one by one they left. First Pedrito, followed by Oscar and then Tammie.

      I think it is very odd that I would lose three dogs in the span of one month. I have my theory and it involves the step-son of the neighbor but since I have no proof there is nothing I can do about it.

  4. SPURS CORNER: temporary shutdown due to all-star break. GSG

    1. Sure hope they get a lot of rest so we can start winning again.

  5. I'd get a small pet cage or container and put the cat in it. I'd drop it off at one of the shelters about a half hour before they open. Then I'd go home and forget about it. You have done so much for unwanted animals, but there comes a time when you can't do it anymore, so don't feel guilty about it.

    1. That would be the ideal thing expect I think a lot of people have taken that route so they are wise to that. There is a sign in the front of the shelter saying that if you leave an animal outside their compound after hours you will be fined. They also have security cameras.


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