It had been three months since I had taken Mom to the beauty shop. With my trip to Houston and mother's doctor's appointments there had been no time. Aside from the fact that Mexico held presidential elections on July 1st.\
You are probably asking why would the presidential elections affect your trip to Mexico? Having lived along the border since I was twelve, my parents avoided going there the month before and two weeks after. Why? Because the exchange rates go crazy and Mexicans take their money out of the bank and buy dollars as a form of a hedge.
Depending on who you believe the past Mexican elections were fraudulent and the PRI the former party that ruled Mexico for 70 years and lost power 12 years ago bought votes by issuing poor people debit cards of a popular store in Mexico called Soriana.
As one might imagine there is a lot of mixed feelings and no better place to gauge it than at the beauty shop. But that is politics and of another country to boot so I am not going to go into that. Just wanted to let people know that if you want to go to Mexico, it is OK to do so. The exchange rate on Thursday was $13.30 pesos to one US dollar.
We went to buy groceries at Aurrera and Merco and as a form of solidarity with Mexico I will never shop at Soriana again. Noticed food prices had gone up considerably and this time I did not find any to die for bargains. Glad to report that my medication for high blood pressure remained at the same price.
Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.