Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas
Showing posts with label galvanized tub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label galvanized tub. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 2022 trip to Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila - México

Click on the Pictures to Enlarge

Like my June 2022 trip to México, I was there for the same reason...to take one of the cats to get neutered. If you would like to read about it you may do so on my other blog Walter's World by clicking on my header picture or this link https://mylittlewalter.blogspot.com/

If you are planning a trip to Ciudad Acuña anytime soon you will be glad to know that the six-lane project leading to the Del Rio International Bridge is almost finished.

After dropping Chester off at the vet's I went about running my errands. First on my list was getting a haircut. Our regular stylist used to run her business from her house, then she rented a beauty shop which I was never able to locate...then Covid-19 hit and the border was shut down so I do not know what happened to her.

Ciudad Acuña has four major grocery stores Gutierrez, Merco, Bodegas Aurrera, and Soriana. Gutierrez in my opinion has the best prices and two large stores to choose from. They also have canvas coverings so you can park your car in the shade. I neglected to take a photo of them though I have pictured them before on this blog.

First of all, today's Exchange rates are as follows:

C stands for Compra (buy) Pesos
V stands for Venta (sell) US Dollars
As a tourist, you are interested in the second one

Both Gutierrez and Merco have no-frills beauty salons at very reasonable prices. They used to charge $80 pesos...$4.00 USD for a haircut and with a tip of 20.00 pesos (one US dollar) your haircut would cost you $5.00 dollars. Like everything else, the price has gone up but only by a dollar so, including the tip, I paid $6.00 USD.

A Mexican no-frills Beauty Shop

When I arrived the senior citizens who work at the check-out lanes for tips as sackers told me the Beauty Shop opened at 10:00 a.m. so in order to kill time I went around checking prices and taking pictures.

Bananas $17.90 a kilo or .90 USD
Remember a kilo equals 2.2 lbs

Gutierrez buys directly from Coahuila farmers and in my opinion has the best produce at very reasonable prices.

$26.90 a kilo / 1.35 USD a kilo

$9.90 a kilo for carrots/.50 US cents
No price on the Calabacitas

Hass Avocados...

$79.90 a kilo / 4.00 USD per kilo

If you prefer the smaller avocados they had the mesh bag ones with four each...

$49.90 / $2.50 USD or .62 cents each

You may think that avocados are a bit pricey but due to Organized Crime that targets growers for extortion they have to hire security and pass on those costs to the consumers.

I usually bring an ice chest with me but at the time I loaded my car I made sure I had enough room for the two pet taxis that go on the back seat not knowing I would not be able to catch one of the cats. The reason I did not place it in the trunk is that I wanted to buy an extra large galvanized metal tub. They did not have the correct price and I did not ask as I still had to get my haircut and mostly because the employees were stocking shelves.

México has excellent prices on hair dye, toothpaste, face cream, make-up, cereal, hair products, and personal hygiene items because American brands have factories there.

$37.60 for a 3-pack of Colgate toothpaste
$1.88 USD or .63 cents each

$45.50 for a large toothpaste with a free toothbrush
$2.28 USD

Not even at Dollar Tree can you get this deal for 10 razors...

They range in price between
$21.52 to $25.00 pesos
$1.08 to 1.25 USD

Kellogg's large cereal box...

$39.90 / 2.00 USD

Herdez hot sauce is much cheaper than the one I bought at Soriana on my last visit.

$22.90 / $1.15 USD

Another item that is well priced in México is bleach. Though these are not made by Clorox they do have a factory there.

$29.90 / $1.50 USD

I needed to head to the north part of town to run more errands so I did not buy anything at Gutierrez besides I had left my reusable bags in the trunk and did not want to have to go get them. Remember if you ever go grocery shopping in Mexico you have to bring your own bags. In the north part of town, they have another Gutierrez as well as Soriana across the street from one another.

Picked up Chester and headed back to the International Bridge to come home. If you enlarge the bottom photo to the right you will see the canvas shade structure I mention above but at the smaller Bodegas Aurerra.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Aunty Acid