Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas
Showing posts with label ignorance is bliss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ignorance is bliss. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Technologically-Challenged / AARP Workshops / Old CASI pics

Though I miss nothing about living in Houston...except for my friends...one of the draws as a young adult that led me to call Houston home for 27 years was the fact that there was always something to do no matter what day of the week it was, in particular, Sunday and Mondays.  I can not say the same for Del Rio :-(

AARP of which I am a member has a lot of workshops for technologically-challenged individuals such as myself.  I would love to attend some but the closest ones are in San Antonio.  Last night I wanted to download the documents I scanned at the library to my computer and boy was that a challenge :-(

I then proceeded to copy some of my favorite Aunty Acid sayings to my thumb drive because my computer is slowing down and acting sluggish so no telling when it will crash on me and I do not want to lose them. Now I understand the saying "Ignorance is Bliss"...I somehow managed to not only download Aunty Acid but ALL of my downloads that include my favorite pictures from the many years of my attendance to the CASI Chili Cook-off.  So, if you are asking yourself WHY I am posting old pictures on my header...that is the reason!

Early Tuesday morning we had some wonderful rain though this area of Val Verde County did not get as much as other parts.  My parent's house is in the southern tip of the county and we improved from Extreme to Severe Drought.

I am sure you will not be shocked to learn that I have yet to make it back to Walmart being the self-professed Queen of Procrastination that I am :-(

Since it is 1:12 p.m. I can not wish you Terlingua Dreams so have a great day instead :D

Aunty Acid Saying of the Day