Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Shortage of Cat Food and White Claw Hard Seltzer / Lilac Tumbler / Dairy Queen

Even though I am up early every morning, I only make it out the door until oneish or later. I had several errands to run the first one was picking up the mail from the P.O. Box. I was pleasantly surprised that for a Monday there were hardly any people there.

Stopped by Tractor and Supply only to find that they were out of the cat food my brood likes.

Last week HEB was also out of the store brand they prefer, and the national brands have definitively increased their prices. Either way, I like to purchase my feline food at Tractor and Supply since they carry my purchases to my vehicle.

I was starving by now so stopped at Dairy Queen for a late lunch/early dinner. The hamburger tasted delicious...

I had seen a 40 oz. lilac tumbler back in April, but talked myself out of buying it only to regret it. When I returned it was no longer available.

I went by that department yesterday and there it was...except it now cost $5.00 more...grrrr! 😠 It is in one of my favorite colors so I bought it anyway.

Has anyone noticed a shortage of White Claw Hard Seltzer - Black Cherry in your area? For two months I have not been able to find any and when I have, it has been the variety pack or just the Mango flavor. I am not going to waste my money as the other flavors taste nasty to me.

Yesterday I was able to score the last ONE 6-pack package for $10.98...that is highway robbery! Since we only have two stores in town I can't do anything about it.

I try to fill up as soon as I have used 1/4 of a tank. Not wanting to fill up due to the rain and heat...it was almost down to half a tank. This is the closest I have seen Diesel $3.039 to be to Regular Unleaded gasoline $3.049...one cent difference.

I had every intention of going to Ollie's today but I was so tired from yesterday that I decided to put it off for another day. Their 15 percent off sale is good until Sunday, June 11th and mainly I want to buy some items for the cats.

Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Aunty Acid


  1. Went shopping this morning and lots of empty shelves again. I managed to get what I needed but had to ask about ground sausage, lady went and found last 2 pkg and I took them both. Cereal isle was pretty empty but I don't eat it anyway. This was at Walmart grocery store.
    Gas is coming down but still over $4.

  2. My computer is messing up on me.so I am answering from my phone.

    Glad you found what you needed at your Walmart. We consume a lot of cereal but it is cheaper at HEB.

    On YouTube they are saying gasoline is going up because of Saudi Arabia.


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