We were out of milk, eggs, bread and countless other items. I could no longer put it off so I bundled myself up and headed to WalMart. I think I arrived during a lull and was in and out of there in no time flat.
Found a new product or at least it is new to me, as I had never seen it before...NyQuil Severe Cold and Flu. It was even on sale for $6.97. Whenever I have gotten the flu...I have come to rely on NyQuil...hope the same still holds true and I can finally kick this bug.
Even though I have some, heaven knows in what tote or box my face masks are located. I use them when I operate the weed eater but now I need them to keep from passing my flu to my mother or other individuals when I go out.
Home Depot had some but they were mainly for painting and heavy duty stuff like sanding. Did not feel like I wanted to pay $20.00 for them. How I wish we had a Harbor Freight Store where I could pick them up for a dollar for a pack of four. Sometimes, I sure do miss the big city :-(
Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.