The weather messed up my plans to come to Houston and now it is messing up my plans to go back to Del Rio. It rained heavy both Friday and Saturday and once again this afternoon.
Whenever I get to Houston the first thing I do is mow the front lawn so the HOA does not send me a love letter. The front was not so bad this time because I still have St. Augustine grass that did not die after last year’s drought but the backyard is a jungle with all the crabgrass, some funky ivy that has wrapped itself around my crape myrtle and has also taken over part of the lawn.
The only way to get rid of crabgrass is to dig it up and for that I brought a pick axe but it is heavy and it makes big holes with every blow apart from making my arms ache so have had to go back to a shovel.
Was hoping to use my electric weed eater to help me chop some of it down but that is not possible with all the rain that has fallen…do not want to electrocute myself! Worst yet end up in the hospital since I have no health insurance coverage.
Needed to go to Sears to see if I can find a good quality pruner but I do not drive in the rain so those plans are shot too. My neighbor chopped down his tree and now it is sprouting on my side of the fence. The Black and Decker pruner I bought last time I was in town is a piece of doodoo…I can not even cut small size limbs!
Was going to try to go to the last day of the Harbor Freight Sidewalk sale but again the weather interfered with my plans. I think my whole life revolves around yard work and I am not too happy with that.
This morning I woke up at 4:15 a.m. and could not go back to sleep. Here I have the opposite problem than in Del Rio…my washing machine works but the drier does not. Decided to wash clothes so I could go dry them as soon as the laundry mat opened. It is in front of the subdivision and is rather nice. The machines are new and much cheaper than in Del Rio.
Had to wait until this morning to buy the Houston Chronicle since again the rains ruined my plans to go purchase one yesterday and get a head start on my shopping list. I barely glanced through it because I kept on falling asleep so decided to take a nap (something I do not usually do). Would you believe I took a four and a half hour nap? Neither do I but I did. Even heard the rain but was too sleepy to care.
Was hoping to start on that nasty five letter word…TAXES…but I have not had time, energy or motivation but I better get some as October 15th is right around the corner and I do not want to go through what I had to endure last year. Did I learn my lesson? Apparently not, guess I am a procrastinator by nature and at this stage of my life guess I always will be :-(
Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.