Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas
Showing posts with label beer prices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beer prices. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Busy Tuesday

One of the benefits of living in a small town is that you can make an appointment at the local dealership and get in the next day.  An acquaintance of mine that was a service tech at a local dealership in Pearland or was it Alvin?  told me to never schedule an appointment on Monday, Friday or Saturday as most of the mechanics were either hungover, sleepy, tired or looking forward to the weekend and to also try to not be the first customer.  Since then I have heeded his advice.  Passed up an early appointment and settled for one at 10:00 a.m.

A couple of months back I blogged about a little girl going into convulsions at the laundromat.  Her dad is a salesman at the local Toyota dealership and I sought him out to see how she was doing.  She is doing fine and has not had anymore seizures.  In that post I mentioned that as bad as my CRS (it stands for can't remember doodoo) is I was surprised I remembered his name. He happens to have the same last name as an old classmate of mine, turns out she is his aunt!

Val Verde County where Del Rio is located gives its taxpayers a small discount in their property taxes if they are paid before the January 31st deadline. On my way to the courthouse saw that a local church was having its annual pumpkin drive.

I then headed to the P.O. Box and wanted to scream!  If I had come to get the mail first, I could have saved $20 in the car services I had performed today and gotten a free car wash (sigh).....I can just see Billy Bob laughing as he reads this...for some reason he thinks I am cheap :D

I do not know when they opened the local Derksen buildings lot but it must not have been long ago.  I am so happy they are in town as I was going to have to pay some mileage charges if I had bought it in the Uvalde, Texas lot.

Maybe Santa Claus will be generous and buy me one of these?

Swung by HEB to check out beer prices but they were not to my liking.  The new specials start tomorrow so we will see if they will lower them enough to make it worthwhile. Even though I guess even our high prices are better than the Study Butte or Lajitas prices.

Was going to fill up but the news people say prices at the pump are starting to tumble so will wait a while as I do not know when my departure date will be.  I am waiting on my aunt and uncle to get here so I can pick them at the bus station as my mother no longer drives.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why no Beer Coupons?

It is no secret to my readers or to old time bloggers whose blogs are a daily read for me that I enjoy a good bargain and if it involves clipping coupons…well I will clip those too!

For a good while now I have been wondering why I have never seen any beer coupons in all the years that I have been clipping them (which are considerable).  I do not smoke but I remember clipping coupons for my friends who do for two or three dollars off of a carton of cigarettes.

I try not to be judgmental but if I had to choose the lesser of two evils I think I would rather drink beer, but then again that is only my opinion and has no bearing on what other people do with their lives…that is not the purpose of this post or any past or future post.

What I want to know is why I have never seen any beer coupons?  Anyone have an idea?  I bring this up because as you know Labor Day weekend is right around the corner and it is the last holiday before the Chili Cook-off when typically beer goes on special and I tend to stack up specifically for this event.

These past couple of years beer prices have been through the roof and even after the barley shortage of a couple of years back, they have never gone back down in prices.  Instead they have tried to fool us by bringing out 18 and 20 can packages for what we used to pay for a 24 pack…I don’t like that!!!

I guess greedy beer companies know that us beer drinkers are going to pay for their product anyway so they make no effort to bring prices down and instead offer innovations like the mountains in a particular beer brand turning blue so the consumer knows that it is cold!  Excuse me…but has that ever been a problem that a beer drinker even a very drunk one is not going to be able to tell if their beer is cold enough?

Tip to first time Terlingua Chili Cook-off goers…buy your beer this Labor Day weekend holiday when it is on special…beer prices in the desert will sober you up real fast, it is bad enough what you will have to pay to ice it down!

Want to welcome Deb C. to the blog roll. Thank you for your readership, it is very much appreciated!

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.