Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas
Showing posts with label breakfast buffet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast buffet. Show all posts

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Took a Day off...no politics, no Internet, no phones

Yesterday I woke up with mental overload. There are so many things going on at the same time some more worrisome than others but equally draining the little motivation and energy I have left. Decided to give myself the day off.

I did not turn on my usual cable news channels, avoided the local news, did not turn on the computer and let the answering machine do its job.

I worked on removing more weeds with the hula hoe and dealing with the cats in particular "that black cat" who is making me more stressed out by the day.  I will write about that when I get a chance at Walter's World.

I did, however, watch my Spurs and perhaps I should have avoided that as well. Though they won it was only by one point and I practically had a heart attack. Were it not because of these darn medications I would have had a couple of beers to celebrate and de-stress.

This morning I treated myself to the breakfast buffet at Sirloin Stockade. Yes, I know I am not supposed to eat bacon so sue me...it went well with Tabasco sauce and an unsweetened ice tea.

They ran out of Menudo so had to wait a while for the next batch but it was worth it.

I have mentioned that I buy most of my Terlingua clothes at a store called Fallas. They sell irregular items, factory rejects, and cheap crap from China. This is where I bought my $5.00 Terlingua coat and jacket last year.

Went to walk off my breakfast and ran into an item my uncle wants. They have the same items as Marshalls but at a much cheaper price. Though it would cost me more to mail it to him than the item itself.

He wants Christmas motif pajama pants.  They had them for $1.99 but I will have to find out what size he wears.

This pillow made me smile because I saw that on an Aunty Acid saying the other day :-)

I'm sorry, did I roll my eyes out loud?

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Aunty Acid Saying of the Day

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Pleasant Fall Day

I had a very busy day yesterday so I went to bed early and therefore woke up at the crack of dawn. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals but since I do not know how to cook all that well, decided to treat myself to the breakfast buffet at the Sirloin Stockade.

As an added bonus I also got to people watch but with it came having to listen to people's conversations.  Why is it that when individuals talk on their cell phones they do it like the person on the other end was deaf?  I am enjoying my breakfast I could care less what you did last night or are going to do today. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

The funny thing is that it was not teenagers or young adults doing the blabbing, it was people my age and senior citizens.  Then the lady a couple of tables down starts on the government and what is going on in Washington.  We all watch the news, I do not want to hear your take on it lady!

When I drove up, there was a nice looking guy in the parking lot and soon another guy arrived apparently they had not seen each other in a while as one commented to the other how much weight he seemed to have lost.  These guys were in their mid-twenties.

As luck would have it, they sat next to me.  For such young men they had a very intelligent conversation...if they had a cell phone...it never rang.  I struggled to hear what they were saying since they spoke moderately, just loud enough for the other to hear...unlike the others around us.

It was such a pleasant day, we only experienced a high of 79.  It was cloudy and we got .14" of an inch of precipitation. As I type this post it is 60 degrees outside...what a wonderful fall day it has been :-)

Gas prices around town today Saturday, October 5th in Del Rio, Texas.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Test driving Mom's Mini-Van

It is not often that I go to bed at 10:45 p.m. on a Saturday evening but I did last night.  It is no surprise I woke up equally early.  Decided I would treat myself to the breakfast buffet at Sirloin Stockade and at the same time test drive mother's mini-van farther than one mile.

I am worried... it smells to gasoline when usually the vehicle that smells like that is dad's old car...not this one.   Swung by the P.O. Box and came on home.  As I passed by the area where they broke the water main, I saw several City of Del Rio Water Dept. personnel at work. Yeap, you guessed it...when I got home the water had been turned off yet again!  Hopefully for the last time.

This afternoon I told mom I wanted to run her mini van on the highway to see how it performed versus city driving.  We don't really have much choice it is either Highway 90-E toward Brackettville or Highway 90-W toward Lake Amistad or what is left of Lake Amistad with all the water the International Water Commission releases, it resembles a creek now :-(

Many of you are familiar with Barney, of OFM Adventures fame http://ofmadventures.blogspot.com/  he just left Del Rio after having spent a couple of weeks here.  On his blog he had pictures of his adventures on Lake Amistad and some were really sad, as they showed the very low lake levels.  I must say that seeing it in person is even sadder.

I had not been to the lake since November when I took my uncle to see the old now visible 277 bridge that used to be underwater.  It is much worst now.  I also noticed that the store/gasoline station/camping ground at the Y had closed.  Guess I am going to have to break down and buy our town's newspaper, misspelled words and all, so at least I know what is going on around here.

 I saw this vehicle at my favorite campground at the lake...Governors Landing.  I apologize for the poor quality.  For those new to the blog I am a member of a vandweller's forum.  I love to see all the creative ways people come up with to outfit their vans and other vehicles.  Some only use them to travel in but many make them their full time home.  I would have loved to have asked them where they were from, what cities they had visited and where they were headed but alas they were not outside.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.