Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Never Ending Problems with my ISP

Ever had the urge to fling your computer across the room or to stomp on your air card until it has broken into a million pieces?  Well these past couple of days I have had both and in more than one occasion I might add!

Yesterday, Saturday- September 15th I decided I wanted to go eat the breakfast buffet at Sirloin Stockade.  For $7.99 plus tax you will more than get your moneys worth with their excellent selection of border plates as well as fruits and cereals. If you are ever in town, I highly recommend them (and no they are not paying me to write this) jajajaja :D

The Cricket store front is practically across the street so I timed it to finish breakfast just as it would be about to open.  I guess a lot of other people had the same idea in mind.  Would you believe there were people already waiting in line for the store to open?  Thought these things only happened for Black Friday sales.

In a nutshell they could not do anything for me because I needed to have come in when I started having problems with the air card going dormant.  Remember I was going to go to a less congested store in Houston?  Well I never got around to it and now I have to fork out for another broadband modem or air card or whatever you call it.  No doubt I am the queen of procrastination!

I remember when Barney (Old Fat Man Adventures) was in town he opted for a Sprint air card.  Went to check them out, it is also 3G (no 4G in this area) a little more than I am paying now plus I have to sign a two-year contract.  What to do, what to do?  Will have to give it some thought.

The promised rains finally materialized yesterday afternoon and lasted throughout the night.  They fell ever so softly and gave the area a much needed soaking.  Temperatures have been wonderful as well.  However, per the weather guy tomorrow they will be back up in the 90’s.

Need to upload my pictures to Photobucket but you guess it…it keeps going dormant! So no pictures for this post, sorry L but I will keep on trying. If you do not see me post or comment on the blogs I follow…you now know why.  Have a great Sunday.


  1. Boy howdy, ISP problems where ever we go. The guy you talked to is the guy I want to talk to. I could easily release "the popster" on him....set that boy straight.
    Along with Sprint, ATT also has coverage in Del Rio. I'm thinking seriously...LOLOLOLOL, Billy Bob serious....of changing from Verizon to one or the other just for the coverage in Del Rio and a couple other areas I visit. No internet sucks.

    1. AT&T has inernet coverage but only through their cell phones, no broadband :(

  2. Belinda; An alternative to an expensive contract with a phone company is one that I've used in the past as a truck driver, and that is Virgin Mobile's paygo system. Simply pay ahead for whatever you need. And BTW, VM uses the Sprint network. Hope you find a solution that works for you. :-)

    1. Randall, I did not know Virgin Mobile offered an air card, will have to check it out.

      Welcome on board!

  3. My aircard is a 3g/4g so once in a purple moon I get to use 4g. The trouble is that 4g has not proven faster in the places I tend to go. Sprint is a long way from being great everywhere.

    1. Thank you for your input Barney, I was wondering how Sprint was working out for you but I now see...it is not so great.

  4. Sure seems like someone should get some decent internet there! While I was in Odessa I noticed my sister's internet seems to be a good bit slower than here. Go figure....

    1. I still remember when you were upset because it was going to take a couple of months to get your internet service set up.

      I remember telling you that at least you knew you were going to get it...not so here in Del Rio. Only high speed internet is through Time Warner Cable with their Road Runner service but it is pricey and you have to subscribe to cable :(


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