No matter what time I go to bed I am usually awake by 5:00 a.m. though I am not up but many times I give up and start my day earlier than planned. Though to be honest I do not make plans either unless we have to go to an out-of-town appointment or for that matter in town...I usually wind up not sleeping at all for fear of oversleeping though on those occasions I set two alarms for added measure. Yet even when I get up early I do not have time to accomplish all the things I need to. By the time I know it, it's evening and the day is gone. Where does the time go?
The first part of last week we were under a severe thunderstorm warning with large size hail possible. We are no strangers to hail as last April 2020 we were pounded by golf and baseball size hail and people are still getting their roofs repaired from that storm.
Dad's 1982 Ford Fairmont Futura suffered a few scrapes, chipped tail lights, broken side mirrors, and dents. After that storm, I covered it with cardboard, old pillows, and an old bedspread but it was too little too late. I kept it covered during the entire rainy season since it is the only one of the cars that is not in the carport/garage because it can only accommodate three vehicles.
I even bought some strong magnets to hold everything in place for this year's stormy season. With an impending storm, where did I put my magnets? Who is hell to suffer from CRS 😕
It rained a lot on Thursday, April 15th and I was able to fill my rain catchment containers.
I am once again having problems uploading pictures this time I think it is with Google Photos for some reason it wants to send them to a different location on my computer and I do not know how to prevent that from happening.
We have been enjoying some cooler temperatures last night it was downright chilly. I am enjoying them as I am well aware of what awaits us in the near future.
Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.
Aunty Acid Saying of the Day