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In my last post of exactly a week ago I mentioned cooler temperatures coming our way. They were wonderful and even allowed me to sleep with a soft fleece throw. These were last night's Texas temperatures on the 10:00 p.m. news...a wonderful 74 degrees both in Del Rio and Houston.
I have the
A/C set at
82 degrees and this past week it has not even triggered the unit to come I am very pleased about that as it will save us money!
I do not know if it is a good thing that I follow a lot of Financial Channels on YouTube. They usually also endorse Prepper channels of their preference many of which I subscribe to. I already suffer from chronic insomnia and have for I can't sleep from all the information I absorb from said channels and wonder how really prepared I am for when the economy tanks and drags us to a Depression worse than the one my grandparents and parents lived through.
Even though it was Friday morning and I never went to sleep on Thursday, I dragged myself to HEB to stock up on more preps before our currency is severely devalued as most if not all YouTube Financial Channels tell us...note...I said YouTube Financial Channels as the mainstream media is keeping this from us.
With all this stress it was nice to be greeted by this Día de Los Muertos ofrenda altar.
It relaxed me and I almost bought a candle before reality made me snap out of it...I
can not eat a candle better I spend my money on provisions...but a cute candle nevertheless.
Remember I was whining on my October 9th post about how expensive a
5 lb bag of potatoes was at
$2.67 in comparison to a 1
5 lb bag that was selling for
$3.47? Well, today I really have something to whine about...that fifteen-pound bag is
three dollars more...grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
I checked out a lot of items mentioned on Prepper Channels but that I do not buy such as sugar and baking powder since I do not know how to cook...much less how to bake.
On Pinterest, I learned that you can kill ants using Corn Starch but after I took the picture I got distracted and forgot to buy it :-(
Bought some HEB brand cereal...
Mango flavor is new but I am not a fan...though I probably should have bought it starving to death!
I have no idea where my last bottles of
Tabasco Hot Sauce are so bought another one...
Stocked up on a lot of cans of
Chunk Chicken Breast was cheaper here at HEB than at Walmart.
I still have cans that I bought for
$2.00 each during the pandemic and look at the price now...
The same goes for canned
Diced Tomatoes I purchased the ones in my stash for
.88 cents each back in March and they are selling for $
1.36 now.
Since I have no room or the budget for real potatoes...I purchased
boxed mashed potatoes which should last me longer :-D
I debated whether or not to buy Powdered Milk but talked myself out of it since I know it would be cheaper in Ciudad Acuña. For those readers new to my blog Del Rio, Texas is a border town with neighboring Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila - México.
I also debated whether or not to buy
liquid eggs for hopefully my upcoming trip to
Terlingua. I have never bought any before and since I do not have a camping stove I am better off just buying regular eggs and boiling them before I head there.
Decided to buy my favorite paper towels while they are still affordable at
$17.98Bleach is expensive that is why I buy mine at The Dollar Tree or in México. I guess HEB noticed that and now has their brand for the same price as Dollar Tree...
$1.25 each
Even before the pandemic bleach was expensive and it has not gone down these are HEB brands like
Clorox are even higher.
Clorox has factories in México so I can buy them much cheaper there.
I spent almost
$200.00 dollars but hopefully, it will be my insurance against inflation, a disruption in the food supply chain, or a World War III scenario.
The price of gasoline went down once more to
$3.099 for Unleaded and
$4.559 for Diesel. By the time I left the store, the lines at the pump were long so I will fill up this coming week.
Friday evening/Saturday morning I was editing my photos around 12:15 a.m. when out of the blue the power went out. As soon as the internet was restored it would go out again so in disgust I just shut down the computer. At around 2:10 a.m. the power went out for good and it was not restored until 5:20 a.m.
The weather was wonderful and most people did not have their A/C on, there was no wind or storms so I have no idea why this happened. It had been a while since the last outage but I suppose this is going to be the new norm?
Now I am going to sound like the YouTube Channels I watch...leave a comment and let me know how the prices in Del Rio compare to where you live.
Today's Aunty Acid hit the nail on the head for me. I know worrying is silly so I am poking fun at myself...but I am still worried 😔
Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.
Aunty Acid