Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Friday, May 5, 2023

We dodged a bullet / Hot and Humid

Yesterday we were under a Severe Weather Alert which is not rare for this area as it is our rainy season. The word that brings fear to my ears is "hail". The last severe hail storm we had was about two years ago and it did a number on Dad's old car and the roof.

The severe storms had two strong cells and originated in La Serrania de Coahuila. Ciudad Acuña/Del Rio was going to be the beneficiary of the first cell and Piedras Negras/Eagle Pass the second cell.

I decided to feed the cats early before the storms hit. It did not take long for the sky to turn dark and then the thunder began. My mother's house is on the southern tip of Val Verde County. Her house is closer to México than to HEB so we hear the Mexican alarms when they go off...when they did...I hurried inside. Funny thing the City of Del Rio alarms never went off and if they did...I did not hear them.

Thankfully the severe storms never arrived and all we got was thunder and drizzle. The 6:00 p.m. news said the strong cell moved 20 miles south and hit Brackettville, Texas...so we dodged a bullet yesterday.

Today it was very hot and humid. Del Rio reached 100 degrees this afternoon and you could feel it. It is the first 100-degree day in 2023. I needed to go to the post office but not with this heat!

There was an explosion at Deer Park, Texas this afternoon in one of their refineries. My best friend lives there so I reached out to her. She texted me to let me know they were in North Carolina for her granddaughter's graduation.

I can not believe how fast time has flown by. I remember when she was born and now she is graduating from college! It definitively made me feel old. Congratulations Angelina! 🎓

Good night. May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Aunty Acid


  1. Happy the storm went in a different direction and you were spared. We hit 100 last Sunday, but have been in the 80's all week. But the winds have been awfull so sick of this. I have to go out very early in the mornings to do anything outdoors before the wind picks up and my eyes start itching and my nose just runs.

    1. I am so glad the storms missed us. I have used all the cardboard boxes I had to build the cats their winter shelters and did not have enough to cover dad's old car.

      The winds have not been as bad as in the past two years, but the cars are covered with dust anyway. In my old age I have developed allergies, and my eyes are always itching. :-(

  2. It's one week later, and I read the storm reports for your area this evening. Lots of wind. Hope you are OK.

    1. The wind was a minor factor, but the rain amounts were considerable. You have to take that in account when you have "roof issues" and the house you inhabit is located at the bottom of a hill.


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