Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Friday, December 10, 2021

We set a new record high for today

It was humid and foggy this morning and warm enough that I did not have to put on my jacket when I went to feed the cats.

The afternoon news showed Del Rio had a high of 90 degrees setting a new record high for this day. It was warm enough that earlier in the day I hand washed some of my nicer sweaters so I could be ready for this weekend's cold spell.

The cold front is scheduled to arrive around 3:00 a.m. with 20 to 30 mph winds so I made sure I removed all things that could become projectiles. Sunday the temperatures are expected to dip lower. I know you people in northern states are probably laughing at our "cold temperatures" 😂

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Aunty Acid


  1. Yup. 85 here yesterday and 53 here today for highs. But somehow, today was better....I think because of the WIND. Today was OK, and I wasn't as shocked as I thought I would be.
    Glad to read yesterday that you are stocked up for 6 months on supplies. I'm not an apocalypse person, but having lived many years on a pasture road where it was two miles to the highway, I got in the habit of keeping a lot on hand that was storable.
    Habit hasn't left me since living in town, including keeping a 5 gal jug of water. Which, now that I think about it, is a year old and probably tastes awful. Maybe I'll get the energy to do something about that. Or not. Ha.
    Take care of yourself.

    1. I missed the afternoon news so I do not know what the high was but it is currently 55 degrees per AccuWeather. The cold front did not arrive until 4:09 a.m. but thankfully the wind was not as strong as predicted.

      Yep, I have a six-month supply on hand so I do not have to go to the store and also as a temporary cushion against inflation. One-year-old water that is sealed is not going to taste awful. I drank a six-pack of five-year-old water I had in my pantry in Houston and it tasted just fine...but that is just me and my cast-iron stomach.

      Bundle up it is going to be COLD tonight!

  2. Our cold front moved in yesterday and it rained most of the Thur. night into Friday morning. I don't consider it cold at 59F but this morning it was in the high 30's but of course it warmed up into the mid 60's so I went out and sprayed down and washed the windows and the truck. It is quite cold now at 47f.
    I have had water in my closet for about 2 yrs. I took out a few bottles after the kids were here and threw away the bottles they drank from it was fine. I have a Pur water filter so I usually refill the bottles until they look ugly and that can take a long time.
    Stay warm!

    1. JO, I have no idea where you get the energy to go out and wash your truck and windows in the cold.

      My stored water has also lasted me a long time I still have a couple of gallons I bought at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.

      It is supposed to go down to 41 this evening but I do not consider that cold as long as I have my San Marcos Mexican blanket to keep me warm.

  3. We are at 36* here and expecting lows in the teens. No snow. The weather is crazy and predictions mostly unreliable.
    Just awful about the tornadoes in Kentucky and other areas. Just goes to show you how quickly we could all be homeless or worse. All one can do is prepare the best you can and be ready for almost any emergency.
    I have my San Marcos on my bed, as well as two fleece blankets, two quilts and a spread. I like the weight and insulating qualities of several blankets. Also put my hot water bottle invaded in fleece in the foot of the bed. I have learned how to stay warm, even without electricity or gas.
    Stay warm and safe my friend.

    1. I could not believe all the damage the tornadoes left behind in Kentucky as well as other states. Some towns were almost wiped off the map, very sad all those people who lost everything they owned especially at this time of the year.

      Unfortunately, with climate change, we are going to be seeing this happening more and more...yet there continue to be deniers.

      I tip my hat off to you...you know how to keep warm in inclement weather. The good thing is that our winters are short in this part of Texas unless we are blindsided by another Texas deep freeze like in February.

      Stay warm and safe as well amiga.


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