Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Monday, July 1, 2019

Reading old posts

This weekend I decided to take a break from cable television...I say "Cable TV" because in Del Rio you HAVE to have cable or you have a blank TV.

So how did I entertain myself late at night when I can not sleep?  Decided to read my old posts.  I am so glad I made the decision almost eight years ago to start blogging.  If you have been reading me for a while you know that I have "memory issues" more commonly known as CRS (Can't Remember Shit).

Reading my prior posts was like re-living events I had long ago forgotten. To this day I have NO idea how Billy Bob and Nick found me when I did not tell a soul not even my close friends that I had started a blog.  I am thankful though as they posted a link on their sidebar to bring even more readers my way. Wish Billy Bob would start posting again. Nick deleted his blog and I believe he is no longer in Terlingua...sure do miss him.

I did find a common thread and could not help but laugh about that.  For one I still...hate yard work, dislike lying mechanics, continue to be computer challenged, I want to be able to move to a cooler place during the summer months and can't cook to save my life....jajajajajajajaja :D

Now I will ask my readers...how is it that you came to my blog. I would like to thank each and every one of you...I truly value your readership.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Header picture for this post...


  1. I have no idea but it was after Nov 2007 when I started my blog.

    1. You found your way into my blog on August 19, 2011...


  2. You had commented on other Blogs a few times but it wasn't until this past Winter that I was able to get a strong enough connection to find your post.
    Think we all have CRS at one time or another. Very Contagious!
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. You are certainly right about most of us being victims at one time or another to CRS.

      However you got here, I thank you.

  3. I don't recall how I got here or when...

    Your new header picture is a reason to comment.
    (The Texas flag & the worlds "I'm not southern. I'm a Texan", I say this because in 8 years when you read this again the header picture will probably be different :-)

    Is Texas part of the south, they did join the Confederacy or is it the west... what's more western than cowboys & Indians?

    I just mentioned this question to my wife and she said it was Texas... No thought or hesitation. She lived there & her answer looks to agree with you.. You guys know...

    Hope you get some sleep at the proper time!

    1. Remember that we were The Republic of Texas a nation of its own before we joined the United States of America on December 29, 1845.

      No other southern state can say that so your wife is right...we are Texan!

    2. Texas was not part of the traditional South but it did join the Confederacy. Texas is cattle and oil.

  4. I think it was through The Field Lab a long time ago. Really, I do think it was a long time. But maybe notas I have CRS as well. Anyway, I still check TFL, but I always am religious about reading/looking at what's going with you. Thanks for your work, which I am sure can be a pain with your internet/teevee/cable/whatever you've got.

    1. I do believe I "met" a lot of readers through The Field Lab blog. I still follow John Wells and comment on his blog frequently.

      Thank you for being a follower, it is welcomed and appreciated.

  5. Well I think I found you through Gypsy, On the Road Again but I can't swear by that I to suffer from CRS. But I'm glad I did find your blog.

    1. I do believe I also found your blog thanks to Gypsy of "On the Road Again" fame.

      It's funny how not posts but COMMENTS sometimes bring people together. I too am glad I found your blog.

  6. I found your blog on " Our Awesome Travels " side bar or what ever you call it. I have been following for some time I just can't remember for how long. I just wish I new how to pronounce " Terlingua " correctly .

    1. First of all thank you Vernon Hauser for commenting. I will have to thank George and Suzie for sending you my way.

      As far as the pronunciation of Terlingua...just roll your R's...Terrrrrrrrrrrrrr-LIN-wah...

  7. I saw you comment on OFM Barney's Blog and came by to check you out. WE do miss Billy Bobs postings they were always good for a chuckle. He is still out there on facebook though.

    1. Will have to thank Barney. I do miss Billy Bob and his craziness wish he would come back to the blogosphere or visit once in a while. I do not do Facebook but several former bloggers have gone that route.

  8. I discovered you through Billy Bob's blog years ago. I liked Walter's blog too. Whatever happened to that horse? Haven't connected to that blog in long time.

    1. Caddie long time no hearing from you! When I was reading my old posts I saw a comment you left and wondered about you.

      Here is a post I did about Walter http://mylittlewalter.blogspot.com/2018/11/a-new-chapter-in-walters-life.html

  9. I also discovered you from billy bob bill

    1. Thank you for letting me know bill uk and for taking the time to read me.

  10. It feels like I've been reading your blog forever, and can't remember how I found it. I'm glad did though!

    1. It does feel like we have been reading each other's blogs for a long while. Blogging has allowed me to meet so many different people that I would not have had the opportunity to do so in my everyday life.


I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to comment. Thank you for your readership.