Did you think I had run off with a tall, dark and handsome cowboy? Sure wish I had :D
Well folks one thing about the cook-off is that you make plans and hope to accomplish this or that but it very seldom happens because something always sidetracks you. So if you ever attend don’t really plan on following a schedule, remember you are on Terlingua time.
Got to the cook-off a little after 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 30th was planning on setting up my tent but things got in the way and ended up partying and catching up with friends until 3:30 a.m.
It took me six hours to set up my camp the next day and even though my friends offered to help me, I believe in being self-reliant and I did it myself. Above is a picture of me after a nice shower and with my Halloween clothes.
On Wednesday Nov 2nd I was the designated driver so I could take my campmates to the Dia de los Muertos celebration. However some were pretty partied out and it ended up just being me and my friend Toni. She has a brand spanking new fancy truck and it was the first time in my life to drive one. We had not gone far when we saw this huge orange haze in the horizon. Got to the cemetery and noticed that there were hardly any people there even at this late hour. We were not there even 10 minutes when a terrible windstorm came and we barely had enough time to run back to her truck and head back to the cook-off.
We arrived just before the dust storm hit and I was able to salvage my chairs, orange cones, solar lights and other items thanks to the help of the guy that was camping next to me or they would have blown to the next county. He was also nice enough to take me into his trailer along with another friend of mine and her boyfriend. From his window we watched my shower being torn apart but it was just too dangerous to try to go out and save it.
We thought the storm would pass after and hour or so but it kept on all night. My friends decided to brave the storm and walk to a party and I decided to go to my tent and with the added weight of my fat butt make sure it would not fly off in the night. It got cold but I had my new zero rated sleeping bag and was toasty warm. One of the reasons I bought my tent was because it is Burningman approved, now up there they REALLY have white outs that last for hours and pack hurricane winds. Therefore I was confident I was safe or I would have gone to my car or to one of my friend’s trailers.
The next day everyone was surveying the damage and let me tell you it was considerable. A lot of torn and twisted awnings from those high dollar motor homes as well as regular portable shades structures. It was rather cold too, so everyone was pretty bundled up. People looking for their shoes, boots and other items that blew away. The majority of my friends pull trailers, toy haulers, teardrops or pop-ups. I am the only one that still does tent camping. Needless to say I spent it indoors going from trailer to trailer and it was something different but fun.
Saturday I was taking the trash to the dumpster when I did not see a hole and twisted my ankle. Lucky for me I was able to grab my friend’s truck tire and did not fall on my face or skinned up my knees. This did limit my mobility a bit and I am still suffering the consequences.
The cook-off lasts until Sunday but a fair amount of people do not want to brave the traffic and the long lines at the Border Patrol Inspection station and stay another day or two which is what I usually do.
Sunday was sitting around with my friend Debi reminiscing about the past week when I see this dog jumping off a truck and running around like he was possessed and all of a sudden it hit me “ it’s hell dog” and then a light bulb goes off and I remember that Frann has a little red truck so here I get out of my chair and hobble along shouting at the top of my lungs Frann, Denise, Hell Dog. Of course they do not hear me but some people see me waving my arms and tell them and they come over.
We had a nice conversation at my friends Debi’s camp since she was had a shade structure and I did not, thanks Debi.
These ladies are hard working gals that really know their stuff and their skills and knowledge rival or surpass any mans.
I am sure all of you all know them but if you don’t give their blogs a look Denese’s is
http://thepathtobliss.blogspot.com/ and Frann’s is

I want to thank them for coming back later that evening after hearing I was planning on eating a can of ravioli and they brought us some delicious fajitas. I really appreciate it girls, I owe you one. The next morning Denese came by so I could follow her to their place and get the grand tour. I am sorry to say that I have no pictures as the night before I packed up my camera so I would not lose it and forgot which container it went in. If you saw the picture of how I packed going to the cook-off you should have seen how cramped my car was coming home, as I just threw everything wherever it would fit.
When I got home Monday I took a shower, ate and went to bed. Tuesday had to take my mother to her doctor’s appointment and I somehow ended re-injuring my ankle so was not able to unpack my car until today when I finally found my camera. However I have not tackled the trunk that will have to wait a couple more days, as my tent weighs a ton.
May you all have Terlingua Dreams.