Terlingua Dreams

Terlingua Dreams
Governors Landing Campground - Lake Amistad - Del Rio, Texas

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 7 / A Cold and Miserable Day

Mother Nature had one last hurrah up its sleeve and today was it. We had light rain last night that extended on and off to all day today.  We had a low of 54 and a high of 58 degrees.  I am relishing in these temperatures as next week we are expected to jump into summertime and looking to be in the '90s.

Today is Day 7 of my self-isolation and though I spent zero time outside due to the rain and cooler temperatures I feel pretty good.  I received an e-mail from Sirloin Stockade...my favorite weekend breakfast spot...letting me know they are closed until further notice.  That is too bad but I knew it was coming.

I was reading The Del Rio News-Herald...our local newspaper online version and was SHOCKED that they allowed me to read news stories I had an interest in...of course after a select few they blocked you and asked you to subscribe.

In the few articles I read, I learned that the Val Verde County Library is closed until further notice, we have a ban on the number of people that can be in one place at a time, etc.etc. glad to learn our local leaders are taking this pandemic seriously.

Good night.  May you all have Terlingua Dreams.

Aunty Acid Saying of the Day


  1. Glad to hear your self isolation is working for you. It might be wise to stay in longer for the germ that those who didn't isolate will die off as well.
    Sounds like we are getting similar weather except for the high temperatures.
    Our local Newspaper does the same thing but neither of us are that interested as to subscribe. It's nearly as expensive as a real paper.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your self reflection.

    It's about time.

  2. I had to smile when I read you consider these to be "high temperatures" when I am freezing to death but in comparison to your Canadian temperatures I suppose they are :)

    Have not checked to see how much their regular subscription costs versus the online version but much like you and Kathy I am not that interested as to subscribe.

  3. I get the Sunday paper delivered, but they still block me from reading the online issues during the week. I'm cancelling the Sunday because it is getting too difficult to read while holding a magnifying glass.

    Our nighttime lows are in the 40's, even though the daytime reaches the high 60's and low 70's. I'm happy with this kind of weather, because the middle of summer will be hot and dry - not my preference.

    1. Gypsy have you considered the online version so that way you can make the print bigger on your computer?

      I wish we had your temperatures here.

  4. We had some sunshine today and the temperature climbed to a toasty 48*.
    I had a great Covid 19 moment this morning, if there is such a thing. I haven't checked my mail in three weeks so thought the safest time would be 7:00 a.m. on Sunday. So I layered on my clothes, put my hair in a bun, found a knitted cap, two Buff scarves, a mask and my DeWalt wrap around safety goggles, two disposable gloves, tongs and a two gallon plastic bag and a grocery bag. With key in hand and armor secured, I went in swiftly, extracted my mail, placed it in the zip lock and was back in my truck in a flash. I saw another truck pull in and saw a woman I know get out and she looked like she was also hesitant to go in. Then she saw me and recognized me. Cue Dueling banjos..she pulled up her mask, then I did, then a Buff, then I did, then another Buff, then I did, then her wraparound sunglasses, then my goggles, then we both gave a big thumbs up and smiles. It was a moment. I never rolled down my Windows, ..no need. It has had me smiling all day. I had her beat on the two plastic bags, however! Haha
    Good thing I checked the mail as one item was important and need attention, but what if I had missed that moment? First human I have interacted with in person for weeks since I have blocked all visitors. I would go nuttier w/o my radio show, for sure.
    Stay safe, my friend.

    1. I could just picture the encounter in my mind...too bad there was no one there to film it...it would have been memorable!

      Did you use the tongs to retrieve the mail? That is about the only thing that worries me...not being able to check the mail and that something important might be awaiting me.

      Take care, my friend!

  5. Nice weather your having is must have come from here. These up and down temps and rain are sure different. All restuarants and bars here are closed and only take out is possible. Some places won't even let you in they meet you at the door for pick up. The 7day isolation is only to find out if you have coronavirus so staying in and isolated must continue until this darn thing is dead. Oh well I can watch the weeds grow besides my other projects

    1. I do not know where it came from but I am certainly enjoying the cool weather. I am staying put for 14 days but as I mention in my reply to Penelope I will have to go to the post office for my mail then go back into isolation so as not to catch it.

  6. Yes, the tongs were to pull the mail out of my box and place in my 2 gallon plastic bag. I was able to open the important piece of mail in the bag to read the content and seal it back up. Our post office is open 24 hours so don't know if yours is? Go early. The post office is able to charge a big fee if you don't collect your mail often enough, so be on the lookout for that.
    I did feel like someone should have filmed my encounter. It was as if it had been choreographed and we had practiced it a hundred times. Maybe it made the angels smile on a Sunday morning.

    1. Yes, our post office is opened 24 hours...well the lobby to access the P.O. Boxes is. I have to wait until sun up because I have poor night vision. Though it might sound contradictory since I would have the same problem but I am considering going late at night when there is no traffic...have not decided yet.

      Thanks for the tip on how to collect the mail in these trying times. I had to laugh at the way I spelled tongs but have now corrected it.

      I am sure the angels smiled down on you both!


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